Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Prisoner Poet

The Poems of James Lewisohn
James Lewisohn, the poet I interviewed in 1979 while he was incarcerated at the “Prison Farm” in Warren, Maine, has produced several volumes of poetry as well as editied several anthologies produced by the men in his poetry workshop at the prison. His work was also published by several magazines and journals: Finkel, New York Quarterly, Sojourner, and The New Yorker.
As it has been 35 years since I read his work, I don’t feel qualified to review Jimmy’s work here. He gave me two volumes of his work when I interviewed him, but they have since been lost in the flood of 2009 and I have not yet replaced them. I will therefore, give you some of the critiques from the mass of materials he gave me that day, as well as reviews and comments I have been able to find online. His books include:
Roslyn, 1975, Casco Printing Co., written partly before he went to prison and partly while he was incarcerated.
Golgotha: Letters From Prison, 1976, Greenfield Review Press
Lead us Forth From Prison, 1977, Greenfield Review Press
New and Selected Poems, 1990, Horizon Press
Anthology: The Pushcart Prize II, 1977, Pushcart Press
Anthologies of prisoners in his workshop which Jimmy edited are:
Light at the End of the Tunnel, 1976, printed in the prison printshop
Out of the Depths, 1977, Downeast Graphics
At the Ninth Hour, 1977, Downeast Graphics
Reviews from the media and comments from Jimmy
About Roslyn, The Church World, 1975:
…”there’s no mistaking the true poet in James Lewisohn.”…”there are mind-sticking lines as ‘I have become a celebrant of tombs’; ‘those who survive grow fat with angry cool’; ‘If you live in the dark too long your hate the light—and I have lost my sight.”
Jimmy’s forward for this book: “This small book is basically a love story…about my wife, Roslyn, our life together, and the final catastrophe…It is more of a Kaddish for her, for us, and someday a legacy I leave to our four children.”
 About Golgotha: Letters From Prison, The Bridgton News, 1976:
“These poems are not wounded birds; they soar and sing. Lewisohn has reservoirs of hope…as insights to the man, the poetry is excellent: reflections in a mirror.”
Back cover of the book: “They are all love poems, they praise or they are prayers or they are struggles against the darkness. They are psalms and failures, they are all I have and my small gift for everyone who suffers and hopes.”
About Lead us Forth From Prison, Lewiston Daily Sun, 1977:
“It is a poetry of suffering and humility, of asking forgiveness but expecting none. Mr. Lewisohn’s voice is strong and beautiful”…”a confrontation with James Lewisohn’s poems is a confrontation with the strongest religious impulses from the heart of an eloquent man.”
Joseph Bruchac reviews Roslyn
Joseph Bruchac, poet and editor of Greenfield Review, was oftentimes a guest poet at Jimm’y Poetry Workshop at the prison. In 1976 he wrote a review of Roslyn, which I believe was published in the Review. It was one of the handouts Jimmy gave me and the source was not given for this article.
He discusses the four sections of the book: “Tragedy,” “Roots,” “Introspection,” and “Origins,” a total of 51 poems. He says that “Tragedy,” about the tragedy of wife, Roslyn’s death, is the strongest work in the volume. He calls Jimmy, “a distinctive voice in contemporary poetry.”
He cites a poem called “Cerebral Palsy.” From “Roots,” as evidence of Lewisohn’s capacity for compassionate, yet clear vision:
“They have been joined to a rhythm
Not their own
And by their hard uncertainty
Each helps the other struggle to
Untie the knots that tangle in the mind
And joints…”
Another favorite of Bruchac’s is “The Old” from Origins, which he calls honest and direct, “the kind of poem needed by a society which relegates old people to places where they are out of sight and out of mind:”
“The Old
For Ed Muskie
The old are beautiful
If they will forgive themselves.
They arise out of granite
Burning with a fierce light.
The leaves fall
And they have learned
The trees by heart.
Words weaken against the sun,
Their hands are open.
One child eating an orange
Against the rain
Becomes a feast.
They taste the cold, clear fruit
Upon their tongues
Knowing that the fruit is ripe
And full of purpose.”
Bruchac continues:…“James Lewisohn has the gift of being able to look, with different eyes, at people whom society has condemned….Because of his own grief, James Lewisohn has a rare ability to know the grief of others, to penetrate into those lonely places of the soul which are best kept hidden if you are a prison inmate.”
He illustrates with one section of “Tragedy” which goes:
“Grief is a stone that leaves No Shadow
Or like the one Rose Lisa left me
The water evaporates and the Rose puts
Down its darkening head   until it Falls
Petal by Petal, as the last garland
Of its leaf   divides.”
The review is four pages long so I cannot include all the points Bruchac makes. I will close with his inclusion of a letter he received from Jimmy dated December 1975 in which he included this poem. I don’t know if it is included in any of Jimmy’s published work or not. It was one of his recent poems at the time:
For David Hasson
An old Lifer
Locks himself in at night.
He’s forgotten again
But today
Came over the walls
Without the sea.
Down in the shop
The band-saw
Cried like a child.
At night they give him Clorox
To sterilize his sleep.
Before a final cigarette
He turns to his ticking clock
And then remembers.
He’s forgotten how to dream.”
Buuchac ends by saying, “At the top of the sheet he had written: ‘Joe its/a difficult/Balance. Love/your life/Jimmy.”
Not all reviews of Jimmy’s work were positive. In 1984 when he was released, he was interviewed by Jon Fleming in a UPI story. I brought some of that story to you in the last blog. Fleming said of his work, it has…”stark, gritty lyrics…very autobiographical and usually bitter.”
He quotes from
 “Christmas Letter from Exile”
December December
Is rung out
And beaten from the year
A false redeemer’s face
Gloats from the market place
It’s dark to dark again…”
He quotes from Roslyn:
“Each day the air stands still in me
Because you are not here.”
He says Roslyn was not written as “a defense or as a confession…but there’s little doubt Roslyn and other volumes published during his first years in prison generated sympathy for his attempt to appeal and overturn his murder conviction.”
In that same story is a quote from our very own South End Poet, Kendall Merriam, which he wrote as part of his review of Lewisohn’s work for a newspaper:
“In all of James Lewisohn’s poetry, one has the feeling he is using it as a jailhouse lawyer uses writs to reduce his sentence, that it’s a form of special pleading to show that he is unlike the other murderers confined in Maine State Prison.”
Was it the passage of time that perhaps dulled sympathy and support for Jimmy’s case? Some of his supporters, including my brother, have since passed away. One thing is certain, his poetry will survive Jimmy in this life and I expect it will also become part of the legacy of Maine poets.
Thanks for listening.
Jimmy’s books are available on Amazon and you might also ask at the Prison Store in Thomaston, Maine.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Prisoner Poet
The Story of James Lewisohn
Part 2…What Happened Later?

Bolduc Correctional Facility in Warren, Maine
Minimum Security, “The Farm”
When I interviewed James Lewisohn (Jimmy) in 1979 at the Prison Farm in Warren, Maine, there was no internet. I still had questions after I had returned to my home in Connecticut and to my graduate school classes at Fairfield University. We communicated via the mail, some being passed on to my brother, Harlan, first, who was classifications officer at the prison at that time.
Jimmy also sent me a tape with the answers to my questions on it. That tape is long gone, although I have some of that transcript as I wrote it down. I have most of the material I gathered for that story including all the materials Jimmy gave me and my own notes.
I have handwritten notes from Jimmy written on blue lined paper we used to use in school. I suspect that the budget for his classes and for his own use was limited when it came to paper. He also sent me copies of letters from his attorney showing the progression of the commutation campaign early on in his incarceration. I have copies of the commutation form for his release that people were asked to submit to the governor.
At one time I asked Jimmy to send me a list of people we might all recognize who signed his commutation petition. Here are some of the names he sent, many of which will be familiar to you:
Father Daniel Berrigan; Tom Wicker, NY Times; Ken MacCormick; Howard Moss; Alan Ginzburg; Hayden Carruth; Howard Nemnor (not sure of spelling); William Styron; Richard Wilbur; May Sarton; Galway Kinnell; Martin Kumin; John Ciardi; Stanley Kumitz.
The Warden at that time, recognizing what a model prisoner Jimmy was, recommended to Governor Brennan that his sentence be commuted. Many of the officers at the prison, including my brother, also supported his cause.
The Commutation Plea, The Appeal, the New Trial
The Commutation was denied by the Governor as I previously reported because he deemed the crime to be too great to consider commutation.
A new effort for an appeal was begun in 1977. My dates may be a little off here as I found the whole appeal case online which was dated 1977. However, I have another letter from Jimmy, dated in 1979 which mentions the appeal. Jimmy did not mention this appeal when I spoke to him in 1979, but it could have already been in the works.
However, his letter states that he doesn’t have much faith in the justice system but that his lawyers are “interviewing and investigating 66 jury members and panelists, including a former F.B.I. agent” to corroborate the story of one juror who gave an affidavit about the possible tainting of the jury for Jimmy’s trial.
Jimmy continues in that letter: “I am reconciled to my life in prison and have discovered that I can live a life of obedience, penance and prayer right here.”
The Appeal Case
As I stated before, there was no internet in 1979; so I was very pleased when I found out so much information about later developments in Jimmy’s case after 1979 when I last saw him.
The Appeals Case ran eight pages as found in findacase.com. There is even more if you want to spend money to obtain it. However, I could get the gist of the proceedings, albeit wading through all the usual legalize, to know that it did not go well.
The case reads like a script from the TV show,”Law and Order”. As the “Law” part of the story reveals, the lawyers took every stance they could to discredit the investigators in the case; the evidence; and even the jury. It was also argued that the judge did not describe the differences between a murder charge and a manslaughter charge properly to the jury so that the jury leaned more towards the murder end of things.
The upshot of the whole thing was his eventual retrial in 1981 at which time he was tried by a different jury and convicted of the murder of his wife, Roslyn once again. So Jimmy remained in prison.
Parole in 1984
As I continued my quest of what happened after 1979 in the case of James Lewisohn, I came upon a story from the Bangor Daily News, of December 28, 1984. The title read, “Lewisohn Seeks Oblivion…Paroled Poet studying at Bangor Seminary.” It was a UPI story written by Jon Fleming.
The “exit” interview of Jimmy quotes him as saying in his own poetic way, “Father, I have come not to ask but to be forgotten like the snow that covers us.” All he wanted was the freedom to disappear from public view and public scorn. He sought refuge, therefore, studying at the Bangor Seminary.
About the Seminary, he said, “I’m at home here. The Seminary is a wonderful, wonderful place…It’s also a place where nobody asks about my past…I want to get that behind me. It just brings back terrible memories, and I do penance for it every day.”
So after all the efforts of many to bring about a commutation for Jimmy; and the time and money spent on appeals and a new trial, James Lewisohn was simply paroled from prison. He served 10 years of his “life sentence.” I do not judge here, but only state the facts as I see them.
Why was he paroled? New politicians in office? A lack of public or media interest after 10 years? We all know that interest in a very public flaying of someone loses its appeal after the initial front page story; then the progression of smaller articles as the case progresses. As we used to say in the newspaper business, “Today’s newspaper will line the bird cage or the cat’s litter box tomorrow.”
Jimmy’s Obituary
I wanted to finish this story with Jimmy’s obit as my brother, Ted, told me he had passed away. Guess what? Not so. As I searched the interned for an obit, I was getting frustrated upon finding no such report of his passing until I all at once came upon a site that was a directory of poets and writers. There he was.
At first I didn’t believe it until I read the list of his works and knew it was him for sure. The site said that he was 80 years old and living in downeast Maine. Even better, his phone number was listed. So yes, I proceeded to call him.
He didn’t know who I was at first apologizing because he couldn’t always remember things that happened what is now 35 years ago.
I could have re-interviewed him then and there, but not being prepared and realizing at once that he didn’t like to talk about those days; I simply listened to what he had to say. He didn’t even want me to send him copies of these two blogs about him. “Why?” he asked. As he has no computer and has no use for the internet, he will never see them unless someone else prints them out and sends them to him.
He said he has a dog he walks every day and that he spends his days meditating and waiting for his God to come and get him.
There was bitterness in his voice and a whole pessimistic view of life in the United States as it stands now. He didn’t sound happy. However, he was happy that I had called and when I said I might call him again just to see how he was doing, he was enthusiastic. He didn’t get many calls he said.
Jimmy is still a devout Catholic. I didn’t ask him why and when he left the Seminary in Bangor. I didn’t think that was an appropriate question at that time. After all, I had just contacted him after a long 35 years.
As he continually referred me to one religious treatise after another and insisted that I should become a Catholic; that I would be very happy that way; I found a way to exit from our phone conversation.
I sat in amazement that I had actually talked to him again. Some stories take unusual twists and this was one of them.
The Prison Cemetery

As an aside to this story I got to thinking about the prison cemetery you saw Jimmy sitting in in the first part of this story. Remember the white picket fence around it? As the old prison was demolished, all that is left is one part of the granite wall that stood as part of the ball field along with this plaque.
The plaque reads:
Maine State Prison at Thomaston
Closed February 11, 2002
In the decades following 1923 many improvements and additions were made including a new Commissary, Segregation Unit, Chapel, Gymnasium, and Deputy Warden’s Office.
In 1992 the Segregation Unit closed and a new ‘Super Max’ facility opened in the neighboring town of Warren.
On February 11, 2002, the Maine State Prison at Thomaston closed and 400 prisoners moved to a new 900 bed, maximum security facility in Warren, Maine.
On March 21, 2002, demolition began and after 178 years the old prison became part of Maine history.
“Leadership and Respect Prevailed”
Angus S. King, Jr., Governor
State of Maine
Martin A. Magnusson, Commissioner
Department of Corrections

Jeffrey D. Merrill, Warden
Maine State Prison
What happened to the inmate cemetery? I asked a life-long resident of Thomaston and she said that the cemetery is still there, but the bodies may or may not be. So where are they?
I did find the cemetery on a site called findagrave.com. It listed the cemetery and the bodies within, some of which are unidentified. The whole space has an iron fence around it which seems to be impenetrable. The earliest date listed on a grave is 1876.
I then came across a piece from the Thomaston Historical Society called “A History of Thomaston State Prison.” Here’s what they say about the demolition of the prison:
“By early summer of 2002, the entire prison had been demolished and the stones, concrete and iron bars were literally pushed into the huge hole, several stories deep, left by the quarry after it was played out more than a century ago. The debris, which only partially filled the hole, was then covered with tons of dirt and topped off with a deep layer of loam.”
You thinking what I’m thinking? Where’s Steven King when you need him?
Thanks for listening.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thinking of Moving to Maine?

Here’s 30 Good Reasons

Sister Sara posted these pictures on Facebook and I just had to share them with you. I don’t need a reason to move back to Maine, but in case you do, here ya go. The photos come from a blog done by Movoto, a national online real estate brokerage. While I enjoyed every one of these pictures I must admit, as do other commentators of the blog, that scenes of Aroostook County, Baxter State Park and some of the beautiful spots inland should also be a part of this beautiful scenario as presented by Movoto.
1. In Maine, every sunrise is a special occasion


Southwest Harbor, Maine Sunrise, Dana Moos

2. And all of its residents position themselves for a good look at it


A group of puffins at Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge,

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region

3. You can’t help but marvel at Maine


Bass Harbor Head Light House on Mount Desert Island, Maine

Adam Matthew Van Kampen

4. Because the easternmost state in the U.S.A.

 Photo by lee

5. Just happens to be its most beautiful


Sunset in Lubec, Maine

Photo from cloud2013

6. No matter where you are in Maine

Sunrise in Kennebunkport, Maine

7. The view is stunning

Photo from jerm1386

8. And the color variations are impressive


Sunrise in Kennebunkport, Maine

greg westfall

9. Even from where the weeds are standing


Pickerel Weed Sunrise

Rich Bard

10. The sky in Maine really knows how to show off


Sunrise-Machias, Maine

Kim Carpenter

11. From the waterfront in the summer


Eastport, Maine

Kim Carpenter

12. To the forests in the fall

Autumn Foliage in Acadia National Park

Dana Moos

13. To the green grass in the summer


Goose Rocks

Jean-François Renaud

14. To the frozen trees in winter


Ice Storm at St Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Waterville, Maine

Jody Roberts

15. There’s no time of year when Maine doesn’t look incredible


Frozen Messalonskee in Waterville, Maine

Jody Roberts

16. From snowcapped top


Photo from Chewonki Semester School

17. To rocky bottom


Rocks along the shore


18. While you’re out gazing out at the ocean


The view down at the granite shore at Pemaquid, taken at sundown


19. Looking inward at the shore


Photo from Marufish

20. Walking the streets


College Avenue in Waterville, Maine

Jody Roberts

21. Hanging out along the tracks


Front Street at Night in Waterville, Maine

Jody Roberts

22. Or admiring the mountain mist


Noah Meyerhans

23. Don’t be surprised to find you’re being watched


Photo by Hildegarde Anderson

24. Because Maine is teeming with life


Moose in mist

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region

25. From the trees


Bald eagles

Dana Moos

26. To the seas


Seagull on Rock

Dana Moos

27. And they’ll join with you in any season


Winter in Maine

Paul VanDerWerf

28. To agree Maine is the most most beautiful


Cadillac Mountain Views

From Cadillac Mountain Views

29. If you try to argue against this simple fact


Sunset in Deer Isle, Maine

Peter Rintels

30. You’ll lose


Sunset at Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse in Rockland, Maine

Corey Balazowich

Are your bags packed yet?